Sunday, October 30, 2011

Why emigrate ?

Many people ask us why we emigrate to Spain. That is not  an easy question to answer.
There are many reasons for us to take this step in our lives.

For me it's a positive choice after a long negative period which I would like to leave behind me.
Some years ago I lost my husband after a long struggle. I stayed behind at that time as a young widow with 2 small children of 6 and 9 years old. My world collapsed.

 Fortunately I got a lot of help from my friends who helped me through this difficult period. My new friend has taught me to enjoy every day that is given to us. Together with him and my children we start a new life in Spain.

We want to enjoy life and share our home with people. Our aim is to provide our guests a fantastic vacation and together with them unwind in these hectic society.

 Emigration is a positive choice for a new life with our family. Our vision on society in Belgium is of that nature that we deliberately opt for a slower pace of life, enjoy each other more, the country, the weather,  our guests, ... and especially we want to share our joy of life with our fellow human beings.