Friday, January 13, 2012

Moving changes people

With the move to another country, there is a lot of "junk" that you must discard. It is often a decision of: "Is this really necessary?", "Will I ever need this?",...

For the real junk, this is not a problem, that is just thrown away. It is harder when you're talking about objects with a history.

Such as the cradle flanges of the crib where my children slept in. This is something that nobody can use anymore (certainly because that cradle itself is gone), but they are of a huge emotional value. So that is a doubtfull case.

This is the same with letters, cards, photos, ... . You can't keep everything, but where do you stop? What do you keep and what do you throw away? Not an easy question.

The answer is : trust your feeling !!! If you're feeling says, that you want to keep certain things, then just do so !

This applies to "rubbish" at a removal, but also for people. There the message is the same : "Trust your gut feeling !"  Some people suck all the energy out of you and give very little back. Other people give you energy and those are the people you want to keep in your life.

Chose wisely !